Grobbel Environmental & Planning has provided County and Township Master Planning; zoning ordinance review, audit, and development; and site plan review to Counties, Townships, and Villages in Michigan.

During the planning process, existing and past land uses, land ownership, demographics, economic trends, and the natural resource base are inventoried and addressed. Existing plans and zoning approaches in constituent and neighboring communities, planned unit and site condominium developments, and other existing land uses allowed under the present zoning are also discussed, and significant zoning action requests within the past five years are reviewed.

These items and more are discussed and analyzed at community visioning sessions and public meetings. In addition, information is solicited via mail-in surveys sent to all county residents. The information generated on the communities character, history, demographics, natural resources, land use, and ordinances are organized and used to demonstrate the concerns and desires of the community.

In summary, a wide variety of methods of soliciting and summarizing meaningful community input are utilized in the planning process. Residents are given many opportunities to participate and have their ideas and concerns addressed.